
famrer mobile in hand

We are here.

Corteva Agriscience has been providing agronomic support and services to farmers by using the science of the lab and the land to maximize productivity and sustainability. We are here to do what is right.

Corteva Services in India

Farmer Connect App

farmer connect app

Our Farmer Connect App gives helpful management suggestions to our customers to assist them in making the greatest possible profit from farming.

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Pioneer Paramarsh (Advice) is a 24x7 national toll free farmer helpline (+91 1800 103 9799). This initiative is a reflection of DuPont Pioneer’s Long Look philosophy of “giving helpful management suggestions to our customers to assist them in making the greatest possible profit from our products”. Through this helpline, DuPont Pioneer extends technical advisory, crop management tips and product solutions to farmers across India..

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roots progrram

Corteva™ ROOTS is a relationship program, envisioned especially for empowering you (our business partners) and motivate you to increase the reach of our new and advanced Corteva™  brand products to the farmers..

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