soy beans

Weed Control


STRONGARM  is pre-emergence herbicide for soybean for control of  key broadleaf and sedge weeds

Benefits and Features

Key Benefit


Strongarm provides hassle free weed control where sowing and herbicide application can be completed in the same timeframe


Strongarm Logo

• Strongarm is systemic in action and provides superior control of key broadleaf and sedge weeds in soybean in addition to suppression of key grasses.
• One acre dose of Strongarm is 12.4g which can be applied either by knap-sack sprayer fitted with flood jet (cut) nozzle or tractor mounted sprayer after sowing or easy technology allowing soybean sowing and strongarm application together using same tractor.
• It is safe to soybean as well as key succeeding crops at recommended dose
• It controls weed before they emerge out of soil surface hence they do not cause any losses to the crop.
• Strongarm provides hassle free weed control where sowing and herbicide application can be completed in thesame timeframe.
• Strongarm can control key weeds which are gaps in existing products.



Soybean (Glycine max)

Controlled weeds

Strongarm control key weeds of soybean. Please check the label for entire list of weeds.

26.2- 30.9 gm per hectare 

  • Copperleaf, Hophornbeam (Acalypha ostryifolia)
  • Junglerice (Echinochloa colona)
  • Nutsedge (Cyperus spp.)
  • Spiderwort, Tropical (Commelina benghalensis)
  • Spurge (Euphorbia spp.)

Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information.

Technical Specifications

  • Mode of Action

    • Strongarm controls target weeds by  inhibiting the plant enzyme, Aceto Lactate Synthase (ALS).
    • Inhibition of ALS stops synthesis of 3 amino acids which are generally active in meristematic tissue      (root/shoot tip).
    • It is absorbed by roots and to a lesser extent shoots of germinating seedlings of weeds which prevents them from emerging.
    • This affects protein synthesis and cell division ultimately leading to death of target weeds.

Always read and follow label directions.